Fuse Repair

Electrical Panel Super Upgrade in San Jose, California

2025-01-08 18:07 Installation and Reapir
Our qualified technicians provided the upgrade of an electrical panel in San Jose, California. Everyday our world becomes more and more digital so you can take your work at home. Make sure that your electrical panel can handle your job needs when you are working from home. Also check our guide with home office electrical solutions. Call us or send an email to support@fuseservice.com to build the home office of your dream.

How Main Electrical Panel Upgrade Is Made?

Before starting the job our techs had to deal with all the permits for an electrical panel upgrade. After the necessary paperwork was there, they could commence the work and install the panel according to the building standards. During this project Fuse delivered:
  • Electrical panel Siemens 200A;
  • Breakers 15-200A;
  • Grounding wire 4 AWG, 50 ft.

This main electrical panel upgrade was provided by TESLA, SPAN, Enphase certified FUSE electricians and includes a labor warranty.