Our professional technicians installed a heat pump water heater in San Mateo, California. We can’t comprehend the power of water since it's the basis of life itself. Give your home water an opportunity to bring this magic to your home by installing a heat pump water heater. We are also happy to give a boost for that with our trade in your old water heater for $1000 off a heat pump! Just call us at (669) 666-9164 or support@fuseservice.com to let the magic work.
How To Install Heat Pump Water Heater?
Before starting, our technicians had to obtain all the necessary permits for the job. After they got the papers, it was possible to start the installation. Firstly, our plumbers dismantled and hauled away the old water heater. During this project we served:
Bradford White 50 gal. Tall Residential Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater RE2H50S10-1NCTT-CON
Electrical Panel
CleanTech Rebate
Qualified and certified specialists provided this heat pump water heater upgrade.