Our qualified technicians performed a Daikin HVAC system installation in Redwood City, California. Winter is a season of special inspiration and mood comes from the weather outside. We hope the only thing you catch this winter will be inspiration and not some cold. Make sure that nothing threatens your and your home’s health and participate in our furnace $1500 trade in program! Contact FUSE via (669) 666-9219 or support@fuseservice.com and feel the warmth of winter.
How To Complete Daikin HVAC System Installation?
First, our technicians dismounted, hauled away and recycled the old system. Then they installed a new system according to the building standards. During this project we served:
- Daikin R-32 AURORA Series Outdoor Multi-Split Heat Pump 4-Zones 36000 BTU
- Daikin R-32 AURORA Series Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit 12000 BTU
- Daikin R-32 AURORA Series Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit 7000 BTU
- Daikin R-32 AURORA Series Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit 9000 BTU