Fuse Repair

Daikin Heat Pump Installation in Saratoga, California

Installation and Reapir
Our qualified technicians performed a Daikin heat pump installed in Saratoga, California. If you want to discover an eco-friendly and energy-efficient world you don’t have to travel. It all starts right inside your house with a heat pump installation. And begin with considering our furnace $1500 trade in program. Contact us now via (669) 666-9219 or support@fuseservice.com and see lower energy-bills next month.

How To Do Daikin Heat Pump Installation?

First, our technicians dismounted, hauled away and recycled the old system. Then they installed a new system according to the building standards. During this project we installed:
  • Daikin 1.5-Ton MSP Concealed Ducted Unit
  • Daikin 3.5 Ton Multi Position Air Handling Unit
  • Daikin 5 Ton VRV LIFE Heat Pump Unit
  • Daikin Thermostat One Touch for VRV

Qualified EPA certified specialists provided this Daikin heat pump installation, besides, Fuse provides a 3 years warranty for HVAC-installation labor.